“Emma Watson Pulls Hilarious Prank on Ellen: Nanny Gets a Surprise Interview on Live TV!”

Since Corrine from The Bachelor let slip that she still had a nanny, it’s been a popular topic to joke about grown-ups having a nanny. Emma Watson decided to have some fun with this idea by interviewing a potential nanny for herself on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The 26-year-old asked questions to the unsuspecting candidate while DeGeneres fed her lines through a hidden earpiece.

Emma Watson pranked a nanny during an interview on Ellen’s show, where she pretended to be the one looking to hire a nanny for herself. The nanny, unaware of the prank, giggled nervously as Emma described her unique preferences, such as no crusts on sandwiches and a love for Red Bull. The actress even mentioned getting inspiration from watching The Bachelor and jokingly saying “vagine.” It was a hilarious moment that had everyone in stitches.

Ellen whispers in your ear: The 26-year-old gently probed the unsuspecting girl, all the while receiving cues from DeGeneres through a discreet earpiece.

Secretly recorded footage: “I need someone to look after me, but here’s the catch… you would be my caregiver,” the famous actor revealed to the unsuspecting target. “I prefer to have my privacy when using the bathroom. I don’t need any assistance with that.” Ellen then urged Emma to share, saying, “I want to trust you with my secrets, so I’m going to confess something to you now that I’ve never told anyone….” creating a tense silence between them. Following Ellen’s cue, Emma suddenly started crying and said, “My finger hurts really bad… it’s injured. Can you make it feel better?” handing over her finger, leaving the nanny shocked.

“I came up with the concept while I was watching ‘The Bachelor,’” she explained. “After that, I found myself using the term ‘vagine’ as well.”

Unaware of the host’s remote interview, the nervous nanny giggled and nodded in agreement as Emma praised her performance on the test. Emma then snatched the test back and decided it was snack time, grabbing a huge lollipop from the cabinet. In a moment of whimsy, she threw her phone across the room in a fit of frustration. Gazing at herself in the mirror, Emma playfully declared herself the best little girl of all, trying to stifle her laughter.

Casual: Ellen then leaned in close to Emma with a serious look on her face and said, “I really need to be able to trust you with my secrets. I’m about to share something with you that I’ve never told anyone before…” and then left them both in an uncomfortable silence that seemed to drag on forever.

Craving a snack, the Beauty And The Beast actress grabbed a huge lollipop from the cupboard after realizing it was snack time. She then playfully threw her phone across the room in a fit of playful frustration. Earlier in the show, Ellen made fun of the outfit Emma wore to her very first movie premiere for Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone back in 2001. Emma joked about how much thought went into the sack-like ensemble she wore, saying that she and her mom had planned it for weeks. Despite the teasing, Emma confidently stated that she thought she looked amazing in the outfit. She also talked about her excitement for being cast as Belle in the upcoming Disney live-action reboot.

Getting out of character, she playfully asked the mirror, “Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most awesome girl of them all? Oh wait, it’s definitely me, Emma!” She couldn’t help but hold back her laughter as she tried to stay in character.

I’m grateful that she finally confided in the ‘nanny’ about the exciting news. Reflecting on it, she mentioned, “If you had revealed to me at the age of five – around the time I was glued to the screen watching it repeatedly – that one day I would be cast as Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ I would’ve been in disbelief and probably gone into a frenzy.” She admitted, “I drove my parents crazy with the number of times I watched it… literally so many times!” When it came to portraying the iconic character, she emphasized, “It was crucial for me that she was portrayed as proactive and in command of her own fate, and I wanted her to exude strength… although she already did, to be honest.”

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